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Ana Von Rebeur


An Argentinian illustrator, cartoonist, journalist and writer

Ana Von Rebeur

An Argentinian illustrator, cartoonist, journalist and writer.

Since 2000 she has been president of FECO Argentina (Federation of Cartoonists Organizations. She was an international hostess for 14 years,

Studied Psychology, Chemistry and Graphic Design.

Since 1986 she has worked in more than 30 Argentine magazines and newspapers (among them, “Humor”, “Sex Humor”, “La Nación”, “Clarín”, “Página 12” and “Cosmopolitan”) and in the newspaper “La República”, from Uruguay, doing graphic humour, humorous columns and journalistic notes.

In 1997 she was a humour scriptwriter for TV programs (“Infómanas”, Telefé and “Memoria”, “Corazón, corazón “, ” El mundo es Chico” and “Hablemos con Lía”, Canal Azul). Together with Jorge Schussheim and Alejandro Borensztein, she wrote the theatrical comedy “La hija de”, starring Marina Borensztein -daughter of Tato Bores- and directed by Lía Jelín. In 1998 she was editor of the tourism supplement Via of Perfil newspaper.

She writes and draws for several websites: Tebeosfera.com, Humoralia.org, Almundo.com, Fecoweb.org and Fecoargentina.com.ar. Also designed and contributed contents to others such as ArgentinaTravel.com, etc.

Ana was invited by the Government of the People’s Republic of China as representative of Argentina and Latin America in the 6th World Conference of Humorous Drawing and Comics in Zhengzhou, Henan province (February 2003).

She published a total of 19 books, won six international awards of graphic humour and was selected in dozens of international salons. Her works are exhibited in galleries and museums in several countries around the world, and published in China, Serbia, Croatia, Cyprus, Ukraine, England, India and Iran, among other countries.


  • 1986: First prize in the contest “Humor de Alto Vuelo”, sponsored by Aerolíneas Argentinas. Jury: Carlos Abrevaya.
  • 1989: First Mention in the Plastic Arts Contest of the School of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires.
  • 2001: Winner of the Award of Success of the 19vo. Graphic Humor Contest of the Aydin Dogan Vakfi Foundation, Ankara, Turkey, competing among 4301 drawings of 1436 participants from 94 countries (www.aydindoganvakfi.org).
  • 2002: Honorable Mention at the 23rd Yomiuri Shimbun International Graphic Humor Contest in Tokyo, Japan, competing among more than 8500 entries.
  • 2002: Second prize in the 4th International Graphic Humor Contest “El escenario creativo de los dientes” (The creative scenario of the teeth), of the Unión de Técnicos Dentistos de México. of the Union of Dental Technicians of Berlin Brandenburg, Germany (www.zibb.de).
  • 2002: Bronze Medal at the First Free Cartoonweb Festival, China (www.fcwfcw.com)
  • 2002: Master Prize in 2002 Taiwan International Cartoon Contest (www.chcu.com)
  • 2003: Kever Award- Photo & Cartoon Undervover – TTI – Bree – Belgium.

Exhibitions & Publications

Exhibitions and conferences


  • Humourists at the Arc (Alliance Française, 1997).
  • Round Table of Humorists of Ediciones de la Flor at the Book Fair ’96 (with Quino, Fontanarrosa, Peni, Caloi and Nik).
  • Psychoanalysis and humour, Escuela de Orientación Lacaniana (1997).
  • .. Is it something for men? Communication and Sports Conference at the School of Communication Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (1996).
  • Women and Humour, organized by Asociación de Mujeres Empresarias (1996).
  • Sexology and Humour (Sexology Conference of the CETIS, 1995).
  • Women humourists (La Plata Book Fair, 1996).
  • IV International Meeting of Humourists (Río Cuarto, 2001).
  • Oh, my God! Solo Exhibition at the Alliance Française, 2001.
  • Aydin Dogan Foundation, Ankara, Turkey, 2001.
  • Latin American Humour Exhibition, Istanbul, Turkey, 2002.
  • St Just in Buenos Aires. Group Show at Alliance Française, 2002.
  • Biennial of Humour of Trento, Italy, 2002.
  • Solo Exhibition at Kino Gallery, Osijek, Croatia, 2003.
  • First International Exhibition of Graphic Humor, Feco Argentina “1000 Ja, Ja! -Boca Juniors, 2002.
  • Collective Exhibition of Graphic Humor of FECO Argentina, Centro Cultural Recoleta, 2003.
  • “With Humor to River”, Recoleta Cultural Center, 2003.
  • Invited as representative of Latin America to the 6th World Conference of Humorous Drawing and Comic, Zhengzhou, China, February 2003.


Published Books


  • “Los hombres vienen flojos”, Ediciones de la Urraca, 1995.
  • “Chistes Feministas… que ningún hombre se atrevería a contar” (Feminist Jokes… that no man would dare to tell), Ediciones de la Urraca, 1995.
  • “El Psicoanálisis Ilustrado”, Emecé, 1996. Illustrator of the book, written by the psychoanalyst Jorge Bekerman.
  • “Chistes con bosteros”, Ediciones Florentinas, 1999.
  • “Chistes con gallinas”, Ediciones Florentinas, 1999.
  • “Madre hay una sola ( y justo te toca serlo)”, Grijalbo – Mondadori, 2000.
  • “Feminist Jokes”, Planeta, 2000.
  • “No me pisen que ando en ojotas”, Planeta, 2000.
  • “Te cuanto las cuarenta: Mujeres en la flor de le edad”, Grijalbo – Mondadori, 2002.
  • “El Intruso (en el Espectáculo y la Política)”, with Jorge Rial, Planeta, 2001.
  • Illustrated the book “Como ser moderno sin temerle al ridículo” by Sandra Igelka, Longseller, 2002.
  • Illustrated the book “1000 Trucos para enfrentar la crisis” by Sibila Camps, Editorial Planeta, 2002.
  • Interviewed in the book “El Humor de las Argentinas”, research by Paulina Juszko, published by Editirial Biblos, April 2001.


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