Egyptian Cartoonist and Caricature Artist. He lived most of his life in Eastern Germany.
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Egyptian Cartoonist and Caricature Artist. He lived most of his life in Eastern Germany.
Nabil Al-Solami or “Mohamed Nabil Al-Solami” is an Egyptian artist and cartoonist, born in Aswan on January 2, 1941, and is considered one of the pioneers of contemporary Egyptian caricature. He was influenced by giants of Egyptian caricature artists such as Abdel Samie, Salah Jaheen and Abu El Enin. He lived a large part of his life in Eastern Europe, specifically in East Germany, until he returned in the eighties of the last century to the State of Kuwait, where he died on July 4, 1987
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Al-Salami said about Caricature
“It is an expression of the soul, and a deeper knowledge of people and phenomena, and some believe that caricatures are for laughter only, but I think that it is not only for humor, but for meditation and a deep consideration of the big and small things in life as well. If you look at a face drawn as a caricature or it didn’t have a facial expression and psyche? this means that the painter did not succeed. As for the caricature, it is a kind of research into the human being and the things surrounding the person.
Caricatures have a great goal, as they can be used as a weapon in the political and social fields and to combat the manifestations of backwardness in society. It is a form of art, and perhaps even direct everyday art. I think it is the painter’s job to reveal to the ordinary man, who is preoccupied with the issues of daily life, those aspects that he passes through. Arousing ridicule is to awaken his sense of criticism, and propaganda for change is not done through sarcasm alone. And that is the issue of the difficulty of expressing the caricature. It is very easy to say this thing is bad. And that is the difficult equation in the caricature. The painter should present it smoothly and attractively.”
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